Delete Linked Account
As part of maintaining clean and reliable data infrastructure, old or inaccurate bank account/statement data can now be deleted or removed to allow for fresh accurate data upload or linkage. This endpoint allows your business to delete such uploaded bank account data when it's suspected to be valid for purge or inaccurate for a fresher or correct upload.
Request Parameters​
Name | Position | Required | Description |
token | Headers | True | app public key |
appId | body | True | unencrypted app ID |
borrowerId | body | True | unencrypted borrower ID |
accountNumber | body | True | account number |
Example Request
curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--data-raw '{
"appId" : "6287757348cc6c0013f4e0c2",
"borrowerId" : "6287757348cc6c0013f4e0c3",
"accountNumber" : "2214649016"
"status": "success",
"message": "Account deleted successfully"