📄️ Connect Bank Account
To swiftly and accurately assess your customer’s creditworthiness, our innovative solution combines sophisticated financial statement analysis with seamless diverse options to provide a comprehensive view of their overall financial health.
📄️ Get base URL
🗃️ Open banking
3 items
📄️ DBR Keywords
The DBR keywords customization allows your business to enhance the accuracy of Creditchek’s default congnitive algorithm using your preferred custom keywords to help detect more ‘recurring debt’ and ‘expenses’ in your customer’s analyzed bank account transaction data.
📄️ Upload Bank Statement PDF
This endpoint allows you to upload a bank statement pdf and returns the transactions associated with the pdf to your webhook url.
📄️ Get Income Insights
This Endpoint allows you to compute the data extracted from the Uploaded PDF statement, as a way to derive deep insights into the financial strength of the intended borrower. Here we help your business discover actionable financial data points as the following:
📄️ Get Existing Income Insights
This Endpoint allows to fetch the existing insight data for a borrower
📄️ Get borrower's linked accounts
This endpoint allows you to see the list of bank accounts linked or associated with a borrower. Sometimes, it is recommended for the borrower to upload more than one bank account statement (or link more than one bank) as a way to bolster their chance of showing better financial health towards that loan application they desire. It is also helpful for the lending business to have a better overall financial health of their customers with the power of CreditChek's RADAR service.
📄️ Get All Linked Accounts
As a lending business using CreditChek's Income Insight product, this endpoint allows your business to pull ALL bank accounts linked(Bank statements uploaded) and assessed by your business within CreditChek's infrastructure, thus aiding easier internal audit and record-keeping on the total number of Income Insight assessments performed on the API/SaaS platform.
📄️ Delete Linked Account
As part of maintaining clean and reliable data infrastructure, old or inaccurate bank account/statement data can now be deleted or removed to allow for fresh accurate data upload or linkage. This endpoint allows your business to delete such uploaded bank account data when it's suspected to be valid for purge or inaccurate for a fresher or correct upload.
📄️ Webhooks
CreditChek uses Webhooks to communicate updates on requests initiated with our Income service API for you to kick off additional workflows based on these events. Due to lengthy period it takes for our AI service to successfully process your customer uploaded statement, CreditChek submits a POST request to the designated Webhook URL with updates about the transaction.