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Welcome to CreditChek's API documentation. These are the live APIs that can be used when integrating with CreditChek Infrastructure.

About CreditChek​

We are building a credit-worthy Africa! - Sign Up and give Underserved Africans a financially free life with convenience and confidence.

We are helping lenders and post-paid services organisations reduce bad debts.

Before you do Anything

Please sign Up to get started here -

CreditChek APIs are all RESTFul based and can be accessed or tested directly here with your API Check for "App Page" to see the default CreditChek App, and obtain your secured API credentials from the App page details. use the RESTFul API test tool or PostMan API tool to obtain validated API keys accordingly.

Both Live & Test Keys when performing API Testing or customer App integration with this platform only accept encrypted values passed as header tokens.

Our Authentication Endpoint performs real-time encryption, decryption, authentication, and validation on each API request from customers. We've grouped the CreditChek API Docs to help you easily find exactly what you need and guide you through the process of integration.