Get products type
Request Parameters​
Name | Position | Required | Description |
token | Headers | True | app public key |
type | Body | True | -------------- |
Example Request
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'token: oORkkft9Ec5dQ36ixpxz5z21qnHrLm8h5L+h69DzktBm4REOjm0U4jv8XDPbsJH/' \
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--data '{
"type": "git"
"status": true,
"data": [
"title": "MEMPHIS CORE",
"id": 6,
"code": "987fgdry",
"description": "And yet I don't want to go down--Here, Bill! the master says you're to go nearer till she too began dreaming after a minute or two, she made out what it was: she was ready to talk about wasting IT. It's HIM.' 'I don't know what to uglify is, you know. Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand or Australia?' (and she tried to say 'Drink me,' but the Mouse had changed his mind, and was going to be, from one minute to another! However, I've got to the other arm curled round her once more, while the Dodo.",
"insurer": {
"code": "LEADWAY",
"name": "Leadway",
"logo_url": "",
"terms_conditions": "Aliquam egestas ultricies lectus sit amet placerat. Nunc sapien massa, dapibus at sem nec, interdum accumsan tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur pellentesque ligula quis tortor consectetur, pellentesque varius arcu bibendum. Nulla odio erat, blandit sed euismod a, ornare non massa.",
"currency": "NGN"
"product_type": {
"id": 4,
"name": "Goods in Transit",
"slug": "git",
"premium_type": "relative",
"icon_url": null
"cover_benefits": [
"id": 39,
"cover": "Accidental Damage",
"benefit": "Pays for goods damaged in transit",
"description": null
"id": 41,
"cover": "Missing shipments",
"benefit": "Pays for goods lost in transit",
"description": null
"id": 40,
"cover": "Theft",
"benefit": "Pays for goods lost in transit",
"description": null
"created_at": null,
"price": 33,
"premium_type": "relative",
"premium_rate_unit": "%",
"premium_rate": 0.33,
"premium": null,
"partner_commission_rate": "1.00",
"min_premium": null,
"cover_duration": 0,
"premium_frequencies": ["annually"]
"title": "GIT Retail 0-500,000",
"id": 19,
"code": "git-retail-x0",
"description": "GIT for goods worth 0-500,000",
"insurer": {
"code": "AXA",
"name": "AXA MANSARD",
"logo_url": "",
"terms_conditions": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas faucibus condimentum dui eu porta. Proin dignissim augue vel magna ornare facilisis. Sed euismod malesuada lorem, tempor convallis nunc facilisis sit amet. Nunc mattis sem a est dictum, non auctor ante sodales. Phasellus scelerisque nisl urna, a euismod arcu sodales sed. Sed dictum ante non nunc suscipit, fringilla lobortis erat bibendum. Fusce sed pharetra ligula, malesuada semper arcu. Maecenas eu fringilla felis, vitae sodales dui. Vivamus pretium risus sodales enim molestie, eu cursus turpis vestibulum. Phasellus elementum velit in gravida tincidunt. Cras luctus nulla et mauris varius porta id id elit. Nulla nec egestas eros.\r\n\r\nAliquam egestas ultricies lectus sit amet placerat. Nunc sapien massa, dapibus at sem nec, interdum accumsan tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur pellentesque ligula quis tortor consectetur, pellentesque varius arcu bibendum. Nulla odio erat, blandit sed euismod a, ornare non massa. Cras sed leo ac magna interdum dapibus. Vivamus non iaculis urna. Cras fermentum metus nulla, eget finibus ipsum ultricies nec. Proin tempor rhoncus enim at rhoncus.",
"currency": "NGN"
"product_type": {
"id": 4,
"name": "Goods in Transit",
"slug": "git",
"premium_type": "relative",
"icon_url": null
"cover_benefits": [
"id": 39,
"cover": "Accidental Damage",
"benefit": "Pays for goods damaged in transit",
"description": null
"id": 41,
"cover": "Missing shipments",
"benefit": "Pays for goods lost in transit",
"description": null
"id": 40,
"cover": "Theft",
"benefit": "Pays for goods lost in transit",
"description": null
"created_at": "2022-01-13T12:32:43.000000Z",
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"cover_duration": 0,
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"title": "GIT Retail 500,001 - 1,000,000",
"id": 20,
"code": "git-retail-x2",
"description": "For retail goods valued between 500,001 - 1,000,000",
"insurer": {
"code": "AXA",
"name": "AXA MANSARD",
"logo_url": "",
"terms_conditions": "Fusce blandit lorem eu egestas sodales. Vivamus fermentum non urna a tincidunt. Quisque risus justo, sollicitudin sit amet congue sed, tempor id tellus. Pellentesque elementum leo vel quam egestas, faucibus finibus risus placerat. Sed porta molestie scelerisque. Duis posuere venenatis elementum. Donec volutpat scelerisque dui, eget lacinia dolor cursus vel. Vivamus fringilla nunc vitae nunc molestie, eu venenatis mauris consectetur. Cras consequat urna in est lacinia pulvinar. Quisque a nisl vel nibh interdum lacinia ac ac diam.\r\n\r\nVestibulum in leo pellentesque, molestie velit a, condimentum diam. Maecenas id diam commodo, euismod tortor ut, congue enim. Aenean ullamcorper id tellus a mattis. Donec consectetur pretium nulla, sed sodales orci ornare commodo. Etiam sodales rhoncus libero ullamcorper luctus. Curabitur rhoncus libero dolor, ut ultrices mauris dapibus vel. In gravida bibendum nibh ut viverra. In ornare nunc in tortor lobortis sagittis eget non turpis.",
"currency": "NGN"
"product_type": {
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"slug": "git",
"premium_type": "relative",
"icon_url": null
"cover_benefits": [
"id": 39,
"cover": "Accidental Damage",
"benefit": "Pays for goods damaged in transit",
"description": null
"id": 41,
"cover": "Missing shipments",
"benefit": "Pays for goods lost in transit",
"description": null
"id": 40,
"cover": "Theft",
"benefit": "Pays for goods lost in transit",
"description": null
"created_at": "2022-01-13T13:45:52.000000Z",
"price": 0.25,
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"premium": null,
"partner_commission_rate": "4.00",
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"cover_duration": 0,
"premium_frequencies": ["annually"]
"title": "VA GIT",
"id": 107,
"code": "va-retail-x2",
"description": "<p>For retail goods valued between 500,001 - 1,000,000</p>",
"insurer": {
"code": "vanguard-assurance",
"name": "Vanguard Assurance",
"logo_url": "",
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"product_type": {
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"name": "Goods in Transit",
"slug": "git",
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"cover_benefits": [
"id": 39,
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"benefit": "Pays for goods damaged in transit",
"description": null
"id": 41,
"cover": "Missing shipments",
"benefit": "Pays for goods lost in transit",
"description": null
"id": 40,
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"description": null
"created_at": "2022-07-04T08:39:25.000000Z",
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"premium": null,
"partner_commission_rate": "5.00",
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"cover_duration": null,
"premium_frequencies": ["annually"]
"title": "VA GIT 2",
"id": 108,
"code": "va-git-2",
"description": "<p>Insurance coverage for shipments within a country</p>",
"insurer": {
"code": "vanguard-assurance",
"name": "Vanguard Assurance",
"logo_url": "",
"currency": "GHS"
"product_type": {
"id": 4,
"name": "Goods in Transit",
"slug": "git",
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"benefit": "Pays for goods damaged in transit",
"description": null
"id": 41,
"cover": "Missing shipments",
"benefit": "Pays for goods lost in transit",
"description": null
"id": 40,
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"benefit": "Pays for goods lost in transit",
"description": null
"created_at": "2022-07-04T08:43:42.000000Z",
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"title": "GIT",
"id": 133,
"code": "git-senegal",
"description": "<p>In “Characterized Accidents” insurance, the insurer covers material damage and loss as well as loss of weight or quantity suffered by the insured goods following the occurrence of one of the events listed exhaustively below:</p><p> </p><p>• Destruction, derailment, overturning, fall, broken axle, wheel, • Shipwreck, stranding, collision, collision of the ship or boat during the fixed or mobile body; In “Characterized Accidents” insurance, the insurer covers material damage and loss as well as loss of weight or quantity suffered by the insured goods following the occurrence of one of the events listed exhaustively below: </p><p>• Falling trees, rupture of dykes, dams or pipelines; </p><p>• Landslide, avalanche, lightning, flood, overflow of rivers or streams, ice break-up, tidal waves, typhoon or waterspout, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. </p><p>• Shipwreck, stranding, collision, collision of the ship or boat during the navigation ancillary to land transport referred to in Article 1 ; </p><p>• Fire or explosion; </p><p>• Collapse of buildings, bridges, tunnels or other works of art, subsidence sudden and fortuitous roadway;</p><p>• Impact or collision of the vehicle or its load with another vehicle or CHARACTERIZED ACCIDENTS – LAND TRANSPORT sudden and fortuitous roadway; coupling or frame of the transport vehicle;</p>",
"insurer": {
"code": "assuraf",
"name": "ASSURAF",
"logo_url": null,
"currency": "XOF"
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"benefit": "Pays for goods lost in transit",
"description": null
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"description": null
"created_at": "2023-04-27T10:06:45.000000Z",
"price": 0.25,
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"premium": null,
"partner_commission_rate": "4.00",
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"message": null,
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