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Submit borrower data (consent & onboarding link)

Due to privacy and data protection (NDPR & GDPR), this endpoint implies consent (user permission data) given by the borrower and helps onboard the borrower with these details on your Creditchek business dashboard to perform other assessments.


Request Parameters​

appIdbodyTrueyour app ID
bvnbodyTrueuser bvn
fullNamebodyTrueuser full name
emailbodyTrueuser email
phoneNumberbodyTrueuser mobile no
genderbodyTrueuser gender
residentialAddressbodyTrueuser address
residenceTypebodyTruee.g owned, rented, temporary
maritalStatusbodyTruesingle, married, divorced
dateOfBirthbodyFalsedate of birth

Optional paramters include: occupation, guarantorName, guarantorEmail, guarantorAddress, guarantorPhoneNumber, employerName, employerAddress, loanAmount and loanTenure

Example Request
curl --location --request POST '' \
--data-raw '{
"fullName": "Lionel Orishane",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phoneNumber": "09070822819",
"bvn": "22447917803",
"residentialAddress": "PH, Rivers State, Nigeria",
"residenceType": "owned",
"appId": "622dff1cfea683001b7cc977",
"maritalStatus": "single",
"dateOfBirth": "18/02/2001",
"gender": "male"
status: true,
data: [Object],
message: "successful",
error: false