📄️ System status
You can make this call from your code, a REST client, or your postman using your live credentials. This verifies your live credentials and your associated appID. These values are likely to be constants within your application.
📄️ Step 1: Initialize mandate
Step 1: Initialize e-mandate with the payer
📄️ Step 2: Obtain BVN consent
Step 2: Obtain consent from the payer
📄️ Step 3: Verify BVN consent
Step 3: Verify consent details of the payer
📄️ Step 4: BVN bank lookup
Step 4: Bank Lookup associated with the payer’s BVN
📄️ Step 5: Set mandate
Step 5: Place the e-mandate on the payer’s bank account list.
📄️ Step 6: Verify mandate
Step 6: Verify the e-mandate status for the payer
📄️ Manual collection
Initiate manual e-mandate debit for payer
🗃️ Other actions
3 items